Watch Out for What You Say To Yourself. They May Be The Biggest Source Of Your Anxiety.

Shahrukh Abbas
3 min readSep 15, 2022

You mirror your words and see them unfold into reality

Photo by Yan Krukov:

“I am the greatest.” The great boxer Mohammad Ali used to tell the world.

Let me tell you Mohammad Ali had no way of knowing for sure if it was true or not. He never knew the entire history nor he had any way of predicting the future. He was saying this only because he wanted to hear these words ringing in his ears. I AM THE GREATEST.

If no one was saying it, he made sure that he was saying it.

What about you? What do you think of yourself. Lets do a little experiment, take out a pen and a paper or simply open a new tab for a new story and write down three things you believe to be true about yourself.

This could be the greatest story you could write. Trust me when I say this.

The words we say or write reflects the way we think of ourselves. When your listen to yourself saying negative things and most of them are said subconsciously, you start believing them eventually. The relationship of your words, thoughts and beliefs are too strong.



Shahrukh Abbas

I am a life Coach, a father and a fighter who is on a journey to evoke happiness and fulfillment in life of others and improve most essential aspects of life.