The 20 Idea Method To Achieve Anything You Want.

Mindstoring your way to success..!!

Shahrukh Abbas
2 min readSep 22, 2023

Have you ever had an idea that changed your life? Something that brought lightening in your veins. What if you had 20 of those? Yes, Twenty.

Recently, I came across a Brian Tracy video that left me spellbound. I have always been fascinated with Brian Tracy's ideas; this one was nothing less. It is called the 20-idea method or Mindstorming.

Suppose you are going through a difficult time in your life. Things are not going your way. Guess what, they never do. You do realize that they would never go your way ever. That is the way life is. You have no idea where to start. Well, that is where the mindstorming can help you.

Take out a piece of paper, and write a goal. Be as specific as you can. For example, how to get a new promotion at your current workplace, find a new job role in a particular field, or how can you double your current income. Start writing. Write as many as 20 ideas. The minimum is 20. The First 3 to 5 ideas will be easy to come. The last 10 will be very hard. The last 10 answers will provoke you to think harder. This will exercise your creative thinking brain and you might find your 20th idea life-changing.

Here are the 4 benefits that I reaped from putting in the work in the 20-idea…



Shahrukh Abbas

I am a life Coach, a father and a fighter who is on a journey to evoke happiness and fulfillment in life of others and improve most essential aspects of life.