One Learning Technique That Helps Me Ace Any Topic.

Shahrukh Abbas
3 min readFeb 18, 2023

Six Steps that help you remember anything..!!

A picture by andrea piacquadio

Learning is different for everyone. Some have a knack for remembering everything all at once and some need help remembering basic details. I am somewhere in between. However, I have overcome this with some help by practicing a very simple technique. It's a technique I learned from Jim Kwik, a famous brain coach, who has been able to help hundreds of people in his career achieve more through his learning techniques. His technique cannot only help in academics but also in presentations and building systems in life.

Learning is not a passive sport, its an active one. Jim Kwik

Here are the six steps which can change your life and enhance your capacity to learn and remember manifolds.

  1. Read
  2. Reflect
  3. Record
  4. Relate
  5. Retrieval
  6. Review

The first thing is to read. To learn something new you have to gain access to the material and actually read or listen to it. Some people find reading tedious but life’s little successes come down to small wins in our daily routines. The art of reading is not only limited to skimming the content but to consciously administering the material in your brain. And, guess…



Shahrukh Abbas

I am a life Coach, a father and a fighter who is on a journey to evoke happiness and fulfillment in life of others and improve most essential aspects of life.