Medium Introduced A New Tip Feature; But What Is The Science Behind Tipping

Will it ever be a success? Do people like to tip content writers? Let's find out.

Shahrukh Abbas
4 min readAug 8, 2022
Photo by Brett Sayles:

Are you the one who has received an incredible tip on Medium today?


Well, I suppose you might want to hear what I am going to tell you.

Lets start with a story first.

In 1984, police detective Robert Cunningham was a regular at Sal’s Pizzeria for eight years. As Phyllis Penzo waited tables there six nights a week for 24 years, he and the waitress got to know each other pretty well. One day when Robert was settling his tab, he asked the waitress if she’d be interested in splitting a lottery ticket with him instead of receiving a tip. She agreed and helped him choose the numbers. Robert called her a few days later to let her know he just won $6 million dollars and that half of that was hers. In fact, this story eventually became the basis of the movie It Could Happen to You, starring Nicholas Cage.

Very inspirational and motivating I must say.

Medium introduced a beta feature to tip a writer on medium. It’s nothing new as we know it. Like any other feature, tipping is taking social media platforms by storm. Many platforms such as…



Shahrukh Abbas

I am a life Coach, a father and a fighter who is on a journey to evoke happiness and fulfillment in life of others and improve most essential aspects of life.