Comfort Alert! Keanu Reeves Shares A Story About Comfort. Here Is How It Drains You

Our constant search for momentary pleasures kills long-term success

Shahrukh Abbas
2 min readAug 7, 2022
Photo by Pixabay:

Everyone wants to be the most successful person in the world.

Not everyone gets to be that way. Let me tell you why with a story.

A “mouse” was put at the top of a jar filled with grains. He was too happy to find so much food around him. Now he doesn’t need to run around searching for food and can happily lead his life.

As he enjoyed the grains, in a few days’ time, he reached the bottom of the jar. Now he is trapped and he cannot come out of it.

He has to solely depend upon someone to put grains in the same jar for him to survive. He may even not get the grain of his choice and he cannot choose either.

Some people find one job, one career, and one skill and keep living off it. They forget that the only constant in life is change. They try to look for the easy way out. They have only one goal which is to attain comfort.



Shahrukh Abbas

I am a life Coach, a father and a fighter who is on a journey to evoke happiness and fulfillment in life of others and improve most essential aspects of life.